Hyperlinks can point to a page, an external document, or to a URI. Hyperlinks A hyperlink is a reference to data that you can directly follow by clicking a document page. The PDF Viewer allows you to work with additional document elements: Bookmarks Bookmarks (or outlines) help users quickly navigate to a page in the document or to an external URI. You can use the Find panel to search the PDF content (options include case-sensitive and whole word searches). The built-in Print dialog allows you to specify the number of copies, select the page range to print, and set the page size and orientation. Copy selected text or images with a shortcut or from a context menu. You can edit form fields, import and export form field data to FDF, XFDF, XML, and TXT formats.

The PDF Viewer allows users to perform the following actions with PDF documents: If you are new to the PDF Viewer, we recommend that you first review the following introductory documents: The DevExpress PDF Viewer displays PDF files directly in your WinForms application, without the need to install an external PDF Viewer on your machine.